This question inevitably arises for any owner of a four-legged pet. The controversy over the benefits and dangers of each of the two types of diets has not subsided over the years, both between veterinarians and between breeders.
We will also try to figure out which type of food is preferable. And let's talk about whether it is worth mixing ready-made diets and organic foods.
Dry dog food
Ready-made diets are rapidly gaining popularity among breeders. An increasing number of dog owners are becoming fans of simple and affordable feeding options for their pets.
When giving preference to dry food, you should remember the basic rules:
- Choose a diet in accordance with the age, lifestyle, health, and breed of the animal;
- Adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for the daily amount and frequency of feeding, depending on the weight;
- Provide access to clean water.
- If all conditions are met, then using a balanced menu will provide your pet with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
Pros of dry food
Among the advantages of using ready-made diets, veterinarians include:
- Ease of feeding and determining the daily rate;
- Balanced composition, eliminating the need for the additional introduction of vitamin and mineral supplements;
- The ability to travel with pets without changing the usual diet;
- A large number of different tastes, which will allow you to choose the optimal one for a particular animal, taking into account its predilections;
- Huge selection in every price range.
It should be noted that the indisputable advantage of ready-made feed is its compactness and the possibility of storage without a refrigerator. The only condition is the presence of a sealed container, which prevents deoxidation and deterioration of the granules.
Cons of dry food
Critically evaluating the use of prepared rations, it should be noted:
- Lack of information about the products used in the manufacturing process;
- An impressive number of allergic reactions develop from the constant use of granules;
- The content of soybeans in the economy class menu replaces the use of meat by-products and reduces the cost of production;
- The use of high temperatures during the manufacturing stage inevitably leads to the destruction of vitamins;
- The presence of preservatives and emulsifiers, as well as the introduction of flavorings into the granules, increases the palatability of the animal. But it negatively affects the dog's body.
When choosing a ready-made menu for your four-legged pet, you should give preference to products from well-known companies.
Veterinarians remind that using the economy class menu can lead to the development of allergic reactions, as well as cause chronic diseases.
Premium rations or Holistic categories will provide the animal with perfectly balanced food without harm to all systems and organs.
Feeding your dog natural food
Many veterinarians consider the choice of a natural diet for a pet to be the best solution. But only if the owner is willing to spend time adjusting it in accordance with the changing needs of the animal. And also use only good quality products for preparing the daily food intake.
It is important to understand that natural food does not include:
- Sweets;
- Smoked products;
- Spoiled food;
- Canned food intended for humans;
- Condiments, spices, vinegar, salt;
- Tubular bones.
Experts remind us that this type of food should contain an obligatory set of vitamins and minerals. One should not think that it is enough to introduce only bones and cereals into the dog's diet to get the right to talk about a natural diet.
For a dog, the daily menu should include:
- Meat;
- Meat by-products;
- Cottage cheese;
- Dairy products;
- Vegetables; cereals;
- Fruits;
- Fish, etc.
Consulting your veterinarian can help you evaluate the foods your pet needs. And also to adjust the diet taking into account the climatic region, lifestyle, physiological state, and age group.
Pros of natural feeding
The choice in favor of natural products has a number of undeniable advantages. Among the most significant experts in animal nutrition include:
- The ability to independently select high-quality products for cooking;
- Complete rejection of emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes, and other chemical compounds that adversely affect the health of the pet;
- The appearance of an allergic reaction to any component makes it easy to replace it with a hypoallergenic analog;
- The presence of natural fiber, proteins, and fats in the diet. They are easily absorbed and normalize the metabolic process and intestinal motility;
- Optimal load on the chewing apparatus.
Important: A balanced diet tailored to the needs of a particular four-legged pet is the ideal solution.
Cons of Natural Feeding
It should be understood that with all the positive aspects of the natural type of nutrition, it has a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account:
- An impressive time spent on the purchase and subsequent preparation of food;
- Compilation of balanced diets, taking into account age and climatic region, as well as lifestyle and season;
- Traveling with a dog on a natural diet is fraught with serious problems. After all, it should be fed 2-4 times a day. And food needs to be prepared somewhere;
- The high cost of the ration in comparison with ready-made feeds of the economy class.
Not every owner is ready to strictly follow the recommendations of a veterinarian for feeding his own dog.
Do not offer your pet food that is too cold or hot. It is necessary to diversify the diet and use only quality products. But if you are willing to put in the effort and provide your four-legged pet with the right natural nutrition, then this will be a great solution for maintaining the health of your dog.
What is cheaper to feed dry or natural?
To understand what type of food will be cheaper for the owner's budget, a simple calculation should be made.
Consider, for example, the cost of feeding Acana Grasslands Dog dry food per month for a small pet weighing 6-8 kg:
- The daily dosage is 110-115g;
- The amount of feed per month ranges from 3400 - 3600g;
- The cost of a bag of 11.4 kg (for 3 months) will be 6500 rubles;
- The price of a monthly ration is 2200 rubles;
- The cost of fruit and pleasant delicacies will be another 300-350 rubles;
In total, food for a small dog per month costs its owner about 2500-3000r.
Let's calculate the cost of a natural diet for an animal of the same weight:
- The amount of meat products per day is 280-300g. The amount of meat per month reaches 8.5 kg. With an average price of 200 rubles, we get the amount of 1700-2000 rubles;
- Sour milk products are calculated according to the formula 110g (daily dose) * 31 days * 50r (the average cost of fermented milk products. For example, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, curdled milk). We get 3kg at a cost of 50r. Total 150r;
- Vegetables and fruits. 112g (daily rate) * 31 days * 50 rubles (average cost). We get 150-200r;
- Cereals. 56g * 31 days * 30 rub. Total 80-100r;
- Add fish for 200-300r;
- As well as meat offal for 300-400r (bones, scar, trachea, etc.)
We calculate the total amount even at the minimum price border: 1700 + 150 + 150 + 80 + 200 + 300. The resulting cost of the ration is at the lower price limit is 2500r.
Bottom Line: Using good food and quality dry rations cost about the same to the owner. Therefore, the question of the benefits of a particular feeding method has no economic basis.
If we compare cheap dry food and natural products of good quality, then the choice will be unambiguous in favor of economy-class pellets. If we are talking about cheap products (porridge made from one bone broth) and premium rations from well-known manufacturers, then natural food would be a more affordable option.
Dry food VS natural. conclusions
It is difficult to unequivocally assess which food will be more useful for the dog. If the breeder chooses a high-quality ready-made diet or prefers to create a complete feed, then the benefits of such a solution will be the same.
And the purchase of low-quality products or economy-class pellets is quite capable of causing more harm than good. Only a thoughtful approach to determining the diet of your own pet allows you to choose the best type of food for each dog!
If the owner seeks to preserve the health of the animal and extend the period of its active life, then you should not save on feeding. The correct diet will be the key to longevity. It doesn't matter if natural food or a ready-made menu was chosen as its basis!
This is important: veterinarians remind that the use of a mixed type of food is strongly discouraged. Disorders in the digestive system will be only the first "sign" on the way to the development of more serious diseases.